
Jill, May 2016

“My dear father was lucky to spend the last three months of his life in the professional and loving care of the staff at Belvedere House. Not only were they all utterly devoted to his care and mindful of his specific needs, we were treated like members of a hugely supportive family. We were welcome day or night and given professional advice and support in a compassionate and caring way.

“We were blessed to be able to spend as long as we could with my dying father and the nurses and carers were with us every step of the way. We can never thank them enough. This is an extremely beautiful, comfortable and well-run nursing home.”

Debi, January 2016

“My father lived in Belvedere House, in the dementia unit for four years. My husband and I visited at least twice a week. In that time we never saw or heard any unkind comments or treatment to the residents. This I believe is due to the Manager employing the right staff at interviews (a very special skill). The home is kept very clean and never smelt of urine as in other homes. My husband used to work in a different care home in Sutton and often had to go to other homes in the area and he was very impressed with the Seafarers’.

“There was always plenty of activities which all residents, including those in the non dementia unit and those who had independent living, were encouraged to join in. There was never any coercion. Activities suitable for individuals’ interests were arranged whenever possible. The trips out included the Buckingham Palace garden party, river trips and Wimbledon tennis for those capable.

“The chef prepared excellent fresh food meals with plenty of choice. The menu was changed regularly and the residents were asked what food they liked and would want to see on the menu. The residents could always ask for a sandwich or salad if they didn’t want any of the choices that day.

“When my father stopped eating the staff would try to temp him with hot milk and honey or cheese and crackers to snack on. Both the care staff and the nursing staff worked at the highest standard and always kept me informed when my father was unwell or needed to see the doctor. They never took any risks if they thought he needed more medical attention. Even when my father died the staff were most attentive to me and several came to his funeral.

“I recommend The Royal Alfred Seafarers’ Society, Belvedere House and the staff without reserve.”

Nigel, October 2015

“Throughout the four years that my mother resided there the Manager was a constantly reassuring presence, always available and an ever present source of help, advice and comfort. The staff were excellent too, many becoming very close to my mother. The home runs a selection of activities pretty much daily and all residents are encouraged to join in. But the choice is theirs. Generally my mother preferred not to participate, and her choice was respected.

“In addition to hair salon and the usual facilities, the home boasts a cosy little bar which is a favourite with many of the residents and visitors alike. The entrance lounge is spacious, bright, modern, welcoming and comfortable, while upstairs, there is a brand new lounge which is, quite simply, stunning – sweeping floor-to-ceiling windows giving views across the grounds. The gardens themselves are extraordinary. In the original building there is a superb little flat which can be booked by visitors who need somewhere to stay. My mother’s room had an en suite washroom and loo, and the entire facility was bright, beautifully decorated, and comfortable. Views from the windows are almost all of gardens, large mature trees and the general peace and quiet of the rural setting. During the countless visits I made to the home during the four years my mother was in residence, I was never aware of any ambient noise of roads, traffic, or any other such disturbance. It is a truly peaceful setting.

“The move from one’s own home into a care home is often distressing, but I can say that Belvedere House provided my mother with the best possible care and comfort for the years she spent there, and that was after a search of all the others in the vicinity. I was able to place a telephone and fridge in her room and, indeed, any other home comforts she wanted. GPs make regular visits from their clinic a short way along Woodmansterne Lane, and duty nurses and carers are permanently on call. I have no hesitation in recommending the care home to anyone conducting their own search, just as I did.”